
Fall Family Photo Session | Kenosha, WI Photographer | The Benson Family

family of 4 sitting amongst the fallen leaves laughing and smiling
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let me share a slice of adorable with you—the Benson family’s fall family photo session. Tracy, her hubby, and their two sweet girls brought so much warmth and joy to our fall-themed shoot, I couldn’t stop smiling!

Picture This

Golden leaves, crisp air, and the Benson crew radiating love and laughter. Yep, that’s how our fall family photo session went down. In just a 15-minute mini session, we managed to capture more cuteness than you can imagine.

The Baby Whisperer

And guess what? Tracy, the mastermind behind those happy, joyful, sweet, well-rested kiddos, shared some of her baby-whispering secrets with me.

Can you believe she’s a baby sleep consultant?

I wish I had crossed paths with Tracy two decades ago, when my oldest was giving me nightly marathons. But now that I’ve emerged from that sleep-deprived stage and look back on those challenging times, I feel a sense of duty. It’s my responsibility to share any and all mama wisdom, hacks, and tricks with those who are entering or navigating that phase of life.

If you’re in need of some serious zzz’s, Tracy’s your gal. Trust me, this mama knows her stuff!

The Real Deal

But back to our fall fiesta. We chased leaves, played peek-a-boo, and even snuck in a cozy family cuddle or two. With their down-to-earth vibe and genuine affection for each other, the Bensons made every minute count.

What Can We Do In 15 Minutes?

Now, let’s talk about mini-sessions. If you’re anything like me, you appreciate efficiency, especially when it comes to wrangling little ones. That’s why mini-sessions are where it’s at—maximum cuteness in minimal time. And let me tell you, the Benson family nailed it!

So, if you’re thinking about capturing some family fun, why not give a mini-session a whirl? Trust me, you won’t regret it.

So Grateful

And to the Benson family, I just want to say a huge thank you for letting me be a part of your story. It was an honor to capture such sweet moments of your beautiful family.

Here’s to love, laughter, and plenty of fall fun!


Want some more fall fun?

The Bell Family Mini-Session

Kennedy’s Senior Session

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