
Reading Time: 2 minutes Capturing Rachel: A Realtor Who Cares Step into Rachel’s world, a place where determination and triumph meet family, football, and a deep love for her country. As a cancer survivor and accomplished realtor, Rachel’s journey comes to life through an unfiltered branding session that showcases her heart and grit. Look closely at those photos, and […]

beautiful woman looking at camera softly holding a coffee cup

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today, this post isn’t just about a Branding Photo Session. I have a truly special story to share. Let me take you back a bit. You see, this story isn’t just about snapping pictures; it’s personal. Dr. Brown has been in my life since I was little. Her and my mom? They go way back. […]

3 professional ladies smiling standing outside

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a passionate photographer and a mother, I had the incredible opportunity to capture the essence of Oliverii North Italian Restaurant’s authentic Italian Mother’s Day brunch in Antioch, IL. The attention to detail and the culinary masterpieces presented at this event were truly exceptional. Join me as I recount my firsthand experience as both a […]

a table set with wine glasses and fresh basil in a pot